V+J OBUV, founded in 1993 in České Budějovice as V+J OBUV, s. r. o., is currently one of the stable employers in the Czech Republic with coverage of a wide range of jobs in many regions of the Czech Republic
We open a number of job positions, both for permanent employment and part-time jobs (DPP, DPČ), especially in the categories of shoe salesman/women, administrative workers, warehouse workers, etc
We are mainly engaged in wholesale and retail sales of footwear and accessories. We open job positions in administration and warehouses at our headquarters in Štěpánovice near České Budějovice, positions of sales staff and senior sales staff in footwear stores we open at our branches in the cities of České Budějovice, Plzeň, Písek, Tábor, Chomutov, Světlá nad Sázavou, Příbram, Prostějov, Třeboň, Sedlčany, Čelákovice, Tanvald, Ústí nad Orlicí, Dvůr Králové nad Labem, Krnov, Lanškroun, Týn nad Vltavou, Strakonice, Český Krumlov.
You can find our currently up-to-date job advertisements at:
If you have any questions about our open positions, you can contact us at the telephone number: +420 387 319 985 or at
e-mail: hladikova@vjobuv.cz or possibly at our LinkedIn account: linkedin.com/company/vjobuv.
The offer on the above links may not always be up to date. If you are interested in working for our company, you should always contact our administrative department at the above mentioned contacts.